2024 Convention Announcement

Dear Friends: Register now for the 2024 Convention held on October 23 & 24, 2024!
See the agenda .
View all sponsorship opportunities .

Associated Cemeteries of Missouri

This Association was founded to promote progressive methods in Cemetery affairs and protect the interests of cemeteries, existing lot owners, and the public as consumers and future lot owners.

The Association has established credibility with Missouri legislators and the Capitol staff since its inception in 1958. One of our primary goals is to keep our legislators educated about our profession's unique issues.

The Association and the Missouri Legislature also share the goal of supporting consumer protection. Consumer protection is one of the main priorities of the ACM Constitution and By-Laws.

The entire Association meets annually to discuss new trends in the Death Care industry, future goals, current business, develop professional contacts, and learn from industry suppliers about the latest equipment and inventory.
There are a variety of committees that continually assist in the smooth operation of the Association.

ACM Suppliers